IE, Esade and Comillas, among others, launch subjects, specialties or qualifications in ' blockchain ' and bitcóin
The new courses seek to close the gap between the companies and the university
ESADE MBA Students during a Google recruitment talk in Barcelona
Despite the fall in prices, the boom of the cryptocurrency does not give truce on the campuses of the best Spanish universities. Faculties from all over the country are launching or have added in the last months subjects on the bitcóin and the technology that serves to register their transactions, the blockchain.
New classes at Instituto de Empresa (IE), Esade, Comillas or Unite, among others, realize the fascination with this technology, which promises to revolutionize industries as dissimilar as finance and logistics; Medicine and communications; Energy and education.
"Now is a famous theme, but for a long time nobody wanted to do anything," says Alex Preukschat, coordinator of Blockchain Spain and professor at ei.
After having played in 2014 the 900 dollars, the price of the bitcóin was by the soils until 2016. "In those years of depression no one went to the meetups, we became a freakis on the fringe of society," recalls Preukschat. At the universities no one listened to them: The bitcóin was associated with negative questions.
But, at the end of 2017, the panorama changed suddenly. In the heat of the speculative bubble, the blockchain was crammed into the mainstream financial. The universities saw that the companies little by little talked about the subject and the students began to ask for it. In a few months, the wave took them all ahead.
The master in finance at IE Business School, one of the most prestigious in Europe, launched last January the specialty in fintech, which is a gap with the traditional investments and corporate finance. It will have specific subjects of ICOs, cryptocurrency and Blockchain, among others. Ignacio de la Torre, director of the master, estimates that 40 of the 110 students of the course will opt for this new specialty.
At IESE Business School, University of Navarra, the professors investigate, publish and offer lectures and talks on cryptocurrency. and ESIC Business & Marketing School launched its first master class on 21 March last in the campus of Seville, with plans to repeat it in Pozuelo, Pamplona and Barcelona.
In the subjects of international finance and financial risks at ESIC, Professor Francisco Isidro conducts debates that play the cryptocurrency as a topical topic. "Grade students have a lot of concern. The graduates, with a managerial profile, directly sue you, "says the professor.
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