Each day that passes the use of Bitcoin as a means of payment extends more and more, now you can pay from a stay in Las Vegas to buy luxury cars. It was clear that universities could not keep much time apart from this trend and there are already two pioneers in accepting Bitcoins. These two universities are the University of Nicosia and that of Cumbria (United Kingdom).
The first to establish payment in Bitcoins, in November last year, was the University of Nicosia (Cyprus). Perhaps the financial crisis that the country suffered and the subsequent removal was the perfect breeding ground to establish a payment model where neither the government nor the European Union have control. On the other hand, traditional banks or means of payment cannot compete with the low (even null) commissions of transfers in Bitcoin. But will any university or MBA program, Master with Bitcoin, be paid? Not at the moment, since they are testing this means of payment in their "Msc in Digital Currency", the objective of this master is to understand the operation of digital currencies, their interaction with conventional currencies and financial institutions and analyze the Innovation opportunities in this field. Finally, the first payment in BTC was received from a South African student.
The second university to establish it was that of Cumbria, which in turn is the first public university in the world to accept it. In the same way that the University of Nicosia is testing the payment system with a few courses in this case the tests in the "Postgraduate Certificate in Sustainable Leadership" and in the "Certificate of Achievement in sustainable Exchange". According to the university, the idea of allowing payment with Bitcoin is one more exercise of the methodology "learning by doing" that apply in this institution and, incidentally, to give greater financial freedom to its students since these do not have to rely on banks to pay their Registrations and can expedite and lower the payment process through the use of BTCs.
In short, the use of virtual currencies seems a difficult trend to stop and therefore, do you think that the most prestigious universities end up accepting this means of payment? I bet you do.